A friend of mine loves Bernie. When it was clear it was going to be Biden, I thought she would be upset (fucken Twitter, man). Instead she told me a story about the time she met Joe when he was the Senator from Delaware. He came into the restaurant she works at...
She's a server in a hotel restaurant. She said he was very kind, would joke around, lovely man. At some point he looks around and asked her if it was a union hotel. She said yes. He asked her about it, her experiences, thoughts, etc. At the end of the conversation...
He gave her his card. We live in California. Again, he was the Senator from Delaware. He told her, "You ever have any problems, you let me know." It's a small story, but it seems to echo so many shared the last few nights...
And it just made me think about how, yeah, some people had more progressive visions for our platform and nominee, and that is valid. But...a man with that big of a heart, who listens-not just to "important" people but the people who often have no voice, who is open to learning...
and changing and listening to people who disagree w/him, but also to lifting up marginalized communities & taking time with people others would often ignore...well, yes, of course I can get excited about electing that man. After everything we've seen? Are you kidding me? Stoked.
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