So because of this podcast, I want to make a thread with more information on some of the topics we discussed.

Aslak Holmberg narrated this animation for the 100th year of independence in Finland, discussing the history of colonialism against Sami people.

This is the Youtube video I saw when I was living in Finland taking about salmon fishing rights being criminalized by the Finnish government.

Sofia Jannok and other Sami people at Standing Rock, singing a joik and explaining what it is.

Sofia Jannok again, giving a really lovely Ted Talk about environmental abuse at the hands of corporations and colonial governments.

Here is a 911 call that happened during Standing Rock when the police used militarized weapons and water cannons against Water Protectors in the middle of winter in below freezing temperatures. 

Does The NDN Live is another test I created basically documenting how many indigenous people appear in films and.... live.

Maxida Märak, musician and Sami activist, tells a story about her culture and the exploitation of natural resources in Sami territories.

Interviews with Sami people in opposition to the railway.

Sameblod (Sami Blood) is a 2016 Swedish film by Swedish / Southern-Saami director and screenwriter Amanda Kernell. The film was inspired by the trauma and self-hatred within her own Sami family.

Famed Saami political writer and Saami womens’ rights activist is a woman named Elsa Laula Renberg. She founded the first Sámi women's organization, "Brurskanke samiske kvindeforening" [Brurskanke Sámi Women's League] on December 5, 1910. “
I failed to mention this on the show but when The Baker Twins were interviewed on the Tyra Banks show, it was honestly a game changer for me when they said "Why does the lead actress have to be some beautiful blonde white girl? Why can't she be native?"
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