Differences between the left & the right are real. Politicians are fake but the principles are real. The left thinks government should be the answer to all of society's ills. The right believes government causes more problems than it solves & individuals can resolve them instead.
When it really comes down to it, it is ultimately about personal responsibility and autonomy. Either you want to outsource that personal responsibility & autonomy to others & by doing so outsource your liberties or you don't. The free exchange of ideas is the root of liberty.
Newspeak is political correctness and it is what has gotten us here. It will not fix any problems because it confuses the nature of the problem. Worst still it makes true communication impossible. If you allow others to control your speech you allow them to control your mind.
Everyday we are faced with choices. Life is essentially all about choices. Which is what economics really is. Economics is not just about money or currency. It is about the choices a person makes about that which is most scarce and most sacred which is their time.
Everything else can be replaced. We are all equal in the fact that we have a limited amount of time on this earth. True autonomy, true freedom is realizing that you must take responsibility for your existence.
This does not mean to forget about your duty to serve others. We are each here for a purpose whether it is an altogether broad or specific purpose is neither here nor there. What is significant is the power that comes with the knowledge because it equips us fully to serve others.
When you say the government is the answer to the problems they themselves have created you are making an insane argument. I don't mean to be rude it is just a fact. They have done nothing but create problems and piled on more problems in their attempts to resolve them.
When we as individuals finally choose to face the fact that our society's ills are those of our own reflected outwardly, we may be able to resolve that sickness. But as long as we deny our personal & moral responsibilities by outsourcing them this illness will remain.
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