In the run-up to the Democratic convention, a closely guarded secret was how much time each speaker would get. Many privately jockeyed for extra time.

We kept track over the 4 nights. Here's how it played out — and what it says about the party.
Establishment Democrats

All 4 nights were dominated by familiar political figures, many of whom have known and worked for years with Joe Biden and share his center-left ideology. 

Although leaders of the Democrats' progressive wing — Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren — were given air time, they were vastly outnumbered by more establishment-friendly figures. 

A handful of high-profile Republicans who have disavowed President Trump got a platform — one of the ways the Democrats tried to convey broad ideological support for Joe Biden. 
Rising Stars

Instead of one keynote speaker on Night 2, 17 of the Democrats' up-and-coming leaders split an 11-minute slot. Stacey Abrams, the 2018 nominee for governor of Georgia, got the most time. 

Women saw more air time than men — a signal of how the party’s power dynamics may be shifting after a historic midterm election and with Kamala Harris as the party’s vice-presidential nominee. 
People of color

The Democratic primary featured the most diverse field of candidates ever, and at the party’s 2020 convention, speakers of color collectively got about half of the speaking time. 
Politicians over age 65

The striking number of older speakers offers a reminder: Though the Democratic Party may be getting younger, more progressive and more diverse, many of its most powerful figures are still old, white and part of the same generation as Joe Biden.
Regular people

Some of the most powerful testimonials came from people with no political background, especially those who might have otherwise felt nervous to discuss topics deeply personal to them. 
Celebrity hosts

4 actresses, all known for their activism, each hosted a night of the virtual convention. They ended up with more screen time than many invited speakers. 
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