The left & right are doing same thing to Q as they did to the alt-right.

Whenever a grassroots movement on the right gets too big to be controlled both parties squash it.

For those who weren’t around, there was a time when everyone who supported Trump was proudly “alt-right”
That all changed after Hillary’s speech on the alt-right.

Mefia jumped on the bandwagon same way they are now with Q.

Then right on cue FED Richard Spencer throws up a Roman Salute, and media labels him “leader of the alt-right” lol nobody knew who the fuck he was back then
FED Richard Spencer appeared out of nowhere as the face of the “alt-right” w/his lame Nazi salute. It was so obvious what was happening. Media went wild, and all the “new right” blue checks panicked and disavowed the alt-right. Nobody even put up a fight. They just let it happen
I’m sitting here going “who the fuck is Richard Spencer?” I had been a part of MAGA Twit for eons, never heard of this ass. But now, he’s suddenly the “leader” and media is dragging the movement through the mud, demanding Trump disavow.
Meanwhile, a lot of new right blue checks like Bill Mitchell got scared that he’d lose his grift, so he and others started this virtue signaling frenzy disavowing the “alt-right.” Mind you, they were all calling themselves “alt-right” just days before The “Nazi salute”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was like this coordinated hit to dismantle a really powerful group of patriotic Americans from all corners of the country, and turn everyone against each other, and everyone was so scared of getting “canceled” they just let it happen.
When the “alt-right” started it was “MAGA.”

We hated the establishment-called them GOPe, but we loved Trump. We were “right” but not “Republican Right” It wasn’t some KKK group lol it included literally everybody and we were edgy, fighters, insurgents. That’s what alt-right was.
And then just like now with Q, the left and right decided this group had to go. Next thing you know FED Spencer is playing Hot Topic Hitler in a park with 5 dropkicks, and the entire movement as we knew it was was that quick-and anyone who fought for it was demonized.
A lot of people fought for the alt-right, because we loved the movement- it gave us Trump. But the people fighting were called racists and Nazis and the new right disavowed them too. Everyone piled on & virtue signaled. The right did more to demonize the alt-right than the left
After a while, even the people who were trying to fight to save a good movement had to just give up. The media, left & right we’re too powerful. And the term “alt-right” was rebranded to mean “incel racist violent white guy” and that’s where we are today.
Nothing annoyed me more than “trust the plan” bullshit. I thought it made us complacent and I had no issue calling that crap out. Still don’t. But debate and disagreements are a far cry from disavowing and jumping in with the establishment to dismantle a group of people.
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