literally NO ONE on my tl spoke about this and im honestly just really fucking disappointed but at the end i dont rly blame any of u as i dont see the media speaking up about it. blegium has made it legal to ban hijabs for women studying in higher level of education.
and NOBODY talks about it? you can never ever tell a muslim woman what to wear and what not to. she is as valid as anyone. the government thinking banning hijab will improve their image on their country when it really just makes it fucking worse because of their islamphobia.
china is TORTURING muslims citizens
and fyi trump supports these actions.
i still cant believe just SOMEONE has to talk about this
this is absolutely ridiculous and anybody who supports this is the type of person that goes "omg stop bullying treat each other nicely” after a long day of being islamphobic and even racist
it is not anybody’s place to call muslims terrorists when they know NOTHING about what this religion encourages. and if u dont: the islam religion actually encourages tolerance and kindness and respect towards everyone no matter how different they are from you
it is clearly a sin to join the side of terrorists and do what the terrorists do
anybody who takes part in their actions is most definitely not a muslim even if they claim they are. they haven't learned to follow that religion correctly
and when u think about it, being predatory towards us and torturing us because we are “terrorists” is very ironic. sometimes i get scared to reveal the fact that im muslim but honestly fuck it why cant i just be self defensive because i have a fucking voice?
at the end im very lucky to live in an islamic country and especially a very safe one. but to all the people living in non-islamic countries and getting shit on for their beliefs im so sorry you are having to go through this, my heart goes out to you
hello i just woke up. i read every reply and saw that same thing is starting to happen in france and every other european country. this is HORRIBLE.
thank u to everyone who took the time out of their day to read this i didnt expect it to get at least 50 likes
i also saw a few people asking if there's anything to do to help. right now i haven't seen any petitions and also heard that most countries dont care about them but if i come across any ill still add them just in case
i did see that there r protests tho!
here u all go
if u find more please let me know and if i dont see it pls dm <3
freedom does not mean taking off your clothes
it means doing and wearing whatever the hell u want because your body, your choice.
considering yourself a feminist when banning women from wearing hijab is the dumbest thing ever
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