"Lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me"...

"The hyper-ancient STELLAR cult (≥ 600,000 BP) was the original representation of uncorrupted human spirituality using Astro-Theology, shamanism ('Magick') and psychedelic
pharmaceuticals aka 'pharmakeon' for 'pharmakeia' for wider human enlightenment. This involved both the "Initiates" [keepers of human knowledge and ancient history since time immemorial eg uncorrupted FUDOFSI Freemasons prior to infiltration/ usurpation by the
rogue Belgian Egyptian Freemasonry FUDOSI faction post-World War II] and the great masses who knew the bare factual truth about human spirituality." ... (cont'd) 👇
"Lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me"...

The hyper-ancient STELLAR cult (≥ 600,000 BP) was the original representation of uncorrupted human spirituality using Astro-Theology, shamanism ('Magick') and psychedelic pharmaceuticals aka 'pharmakeon' for
'pharmakeia' for wider huThis involved both the "Initiates" [keepers of human knowledge and ancient history since time immemorial eg uncorrupted FUDOFSIman enlightenment.
Freemasons prior to infiltration/ usurpation by the rogue Belgian Egyptian Freemasonry FUDOSI faction post-World War II] and the great masses who knew the bare factual truth about human spirituality.
Next in chronological order came the LUNAR cult (lasting some ≥50,000 years). This is when the above-described sacred practices continued however monarchial jealousy of information, barbaric maiming, sacrifice of animals and humans along with cannibalism
became incorporated into spirituality/ man-made religions relying on occult divination practices and summoning of dark ethereal entities etc. This was especially true when Deep State [DS] kings/ queens/ high priests/ priestesses ['Magickians'] consulted oracles/ sibyls, eg
Chaldean Oracle of Zoroaster, who usually used 'black magick' to predict the future. Modern-day nations surreptitiously show their original allegiances to the Lunar cult doctrines by the stars and
moons on the flags (re Saba-ism/ Sethism –> Sufism/ Islamism). Is it just mere coincidence that the great majority of so-called "Islamic" nations today have a moon on the flag? Nah.
Thereafter came the SOLAR cult (≥39,000 years) carrying on a majority of the rather pathetic, superstitious abominations detailed above. This was when Paganism/ Polytheism was popular with the
religion-controlled masses. In the same way as described above, nations secretly show their original inception under/ allegiance to the Solar cult doctrines by including a sun in the flag.
Finally, came the SATURNIAN cult which was the inception of Christianity before it too was further usurped and corrupted by the [DS]. The old Roman Empire under the auspices of the Roman Catholic church began mirroring old, not reformed, Lamaic
(demonolatry) Tibetan Buddhism, thus irrevocably polluting the original beneficial spiritual intent by humanity's ancestors. The Saturnians are the [DS] Aithiop/ Kuklop Pedovores EL-ites who worship "Baal-Shalisha". These will include a Gothic/ Celtic cross or
nother occult symbol like a serpent [re very ancient Ophiolatry/ Lat 'Ophiolatreia' and the infamous "orphic egg" mythology] in the national flag. One of the main Vatican audience halls is shaped like the head of a serpent and the ithyphallic [erect penis] symbolism does not stop
there for those with eyes to see.

Over many millennia the [DS] has defiled the original intention of human spirituality to the very core, leaving nothing of any consequence other than purportedly-"holy" books written by Egyptian
Hyksos scribes that reveal half-truths or parables, known by the enlightened "Initiates" and to be deciphered [rightly or wrongly] by the throngs of masses under the [DS]'s occult spell. All of the above leaves the otherwise ignorant masses with virtually nothing in relation
to "pure spirituality" from the previous 3 cults that dominated the world for hundreds of millennia, prior to a repeating celestial catastrophe and the sinking of Atlantis and/or Lemuria. Only 'Magick' and ancient Astro-Theology knowledge based on the Constellations
and precession of the equinoxes has been left for the "great unwashed" to absorb without any truly clear, concise understanding.

The SATURNIAN cult uses [DS] Luciferian/ Satanic "Sinister Aeonic Magick" to guide humanity where the [DS] wants it to evolve by
employing extremely-Machiavellian manipulation, deceit and lies along with pseudo-history reinforced by [DS] gatekeepers of information like Royal Society (DS AKKAD-emia) and IAI Rome (DS theology) together with an army of Monarch/ MKUltra [DS] mind-
controlled assets ready to die for their [DS] Jesuit/ SMOM 'Aithiop' [Turkic] Pan-Turanian NWO BlackOp agenda. This is why [DS] Israel under the Obamagate regime along with ISIS were destroying all of the ancient history contained in Mesopotamian museums throughout
the Middle East.

At 22mins8secs+
The BIG PICTURE the ‘sheeple’ have seemingly yet to grasp about #Humanity in ancient times… 4 CULTS
At 22m8s

re #AstroTheology & [DS] #Spiritual indoctrination for millennia
[DS] cabal created all these MAN-MADE cults/ sects for human control systems...

1915 The Arcana of Freemasonry explains man-made primary 3 cults https://archive.org/details/arcanaoffreemaso00churuoft/page/n9/mode/2up
... as Masons were the keepers of human knowledge... originally known as nomadic Druids/ Cabiri/ High Priest/ Priestess etc etc etc... all mystical societies were infiltrated/ usurped in the 19th-20th century
THEY rehash the "saviour" diatribe since time immemorial.
p41 Apsa, Ansa, Jesus etc https://archive.org/details/arcanaoffreemaso00churuoft/page/40/mode/2up
As if you gonna trust the masons. They create religions for sinister purposes. Alas the sheeple will only do and think what decades of dumbed down education and programming by hollywood and television tell the sheeple to do and think.
A great majority will AWAKEN but it will NOT be easy for most.
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