There is much praise for the convention across Twitter today, and speaking for the AMAZING team that helped produce it, it's appreciated. But, it is important to know that a convention like that would NOT be possible without @JoeBiden at the top of the ticket. 1/
@JoeBiden’s story is so full, textured and compelling that the storytelling around it is frankly easy – it tells itself. And, because of his lifetime of compassion towards people, there were countless people who wanted to come out and tell their own Joe Biden story. 2/
One of the reasons this convention was so distinct (despite the format) is because the candidate himself is a unique figure. We’ve never nominated anyone quite like him before -- 50+ years of experience in leadership roles, touching so many people’s lives along the way. 3/
A boy who is working through his stutter, the women he helped save from domestic violence, an elevator operator who he befriended, Amtrak conductors who he treated with dignity and respect every single day, people with health care today because of the ACA.....4/
the workers who know that Biden has their back, because he always has, the celebrity recovering from cancer who he repeatedly checked in on … the stories are endless. He has his feet firmly planted in the lives of everyday people, and that will never change. 5/
That’s what really made this convention such a success! The rest was easy. 6/6 #DemConvention
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