TW: sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, abuse

I keep seeing a lot about the Ted Bundy discourse on my TL. Being an avid true crime fan, I've run into a lot of people who sexualize certain serial killers, including Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. I'd just like to say my piece.
Tw: sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, abuse

I was groomed by a pedophilic psychopath starting at the age of 13. He came in and out of my life well into my 20s. During those years, I discovered he preyed on many other young girls and young guys. But it was "acceptable" because he
Tw: sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, abuse

was "interesting", mildly "attractive", and had a "sexy accent". All of which make me want to vomit now. Throughout those years I was repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped by him. I was beaten by him repeatedly, under the guise of
Tw: sexual assault, rape, pedophilia

BDSM. That's what he called it, but I now know better. He once beat me with a cane so hard, I wept and screamed for hours and couldn't sit for a literal week. He broke me in a lot of ways. I was vulnerable enough that I dated another man
Tw: sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, abuse
later in life who ALSO later turned out to be a pedophile. He manipulated me in many ways, gaslit me constantly and doled out mental abuse. He also cheated on me, with a young girl he had been GROOMING, and thus cheated on her as well.
When we broke it off with him, our experiences were initially written off and invalidated because he was a "super sexy goth guy" with vampire aesthetic. Until we both came out with our stories only a few weeks ago, no one cared or listened because they were ATTRACTIVE.
Beautiful people can be just as ugly on the inside. Foul, slimy, pond scum, really. Stop invalidating others because their abuser, or KILLER was attractive. Stop speaking over these victims and idolizing these murderers. Because in reality, it makes you JUST as ugly as them.
I'm tired of seeing bullshit defending these serial killers or calling victims LUCKY to have been with or dealt with someone so "attractive". You're gross. Do your fucking homework on them before spouting your bullshit, please. And again- stop speaking over victims and survivors.
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