I've tweeted this before. I'll tweet it again. Film schools should have courses on how to work with narcissists and sociopaths. It's the most essential skill to work in this business, especially as a working writer.
Have a therapist. Learn how to tune out when someone berates you in front of people. Know when to stand your ground and when it doesn't really matter. Put in more effort to be kind to your teammates to make up for the negative energy.
Learn how to deal with people taking credit. Remember that narcissists are, at the end of the day, really sad people. Keep some compassion, so you don't lose your own humanity--this bit was advice I received from a very wise person.
If and when I quit this industry, it won't be because writing and producing is hard. It'll be because I'm tired of dealing with people who are publicly adored, but are nasty to people in real life.
And if you're not in the industry, I urge you to stan the work, not the person. You don't know these people.
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