It's long been obvious that call of duty games are US military propaganda. The upcoming game in the series is about the cold war and focuses around real life kgb defector Yuri Bezmenov. They included an Interview with him in the trailer for the game.Bezmenov basically blames
Any societal issues on soviet ops, which according to him, continue on to this day by attempting to demoralize and bring down the western order via social unrest. I find it's absolutely no coincidence that they are using Bezmenov's words in this game during these times of unrest.
Bezmenov's words have made it's way around 'alt right' circles. I have personally been watching some of this movement grow. They pretty much have built their entire world philosophy on Bezmenov's 'testimonies'. Their rhetoric has grown so western chauvinist that they have
Seemingly adopted neocon ideas and even support western imperialist institutions such as NATO. I have suspected that this movement is a Pentagon directed psyop.. It just seems to align way too closely with military objectives.
With this call of duty game promoting Bezmenov,
I am even more certain that there are government forces pushing this propaganda out. I will provide some links & other sources. This is one of the alt right accounts pushing this propaganda.
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