👑 King Solomon 👑
Solomon was the second son of King David & Bathsheba.
His name means "peaceable." His alternative name was Jedidiah, meaning "beloved of the Lord."
He ruled Israel for 40 years, ushering in an era of #PEACE & #PROSPERITY for his people. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1296590565136621568
Solomon was born in Jerusalem
Solomon's half-brother Adonijah tried to rob Solomon of the throne. To take the kingship, Solomon had to kill Adonijah and Joab, David's geneneral...
Solomon’s reign was a golden age for the nation of Israel. They were respected by their neighbors, residing in peace for the entirety of Solomon’s kingship.
Think John & Trump....
2,000 years ago.
We came back on a literal mission & agreed to have our memories wiped.
The world had come to an end & we had to go back to the story of Jesus & fulfill prophecy.[They] never thought she was going to loose ?
Research regarding King David & King Solomon.
This is where . @realDonaldTrump as King David & John Kennedy as King Solomon are important. At this place in time. Reincarnations. Both temples were destroyed then -and now we are rebuilding BOTH.
Think GLOBAL is a reflection of LOCAL
THIS is why Mt Rushmore is significant. It is 57.75 miles from the MIDDLE of the Promiseland (JerUSAlem) which is in Belle Fourche, SD (12x12), which MIRRORS the original Temple Mount in Israel (Dome of the Rock) as Mt. Rushmore is Dome as well....
Symbolically. @POTUS had to “kill” his brother which symbolized Cain because this would eliminate the Cannibal lineage & Abel would be the story told (Abraham Accord)
Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form.
Did . @FLOTUS sign a new one 7/4/2020?
The world was going to end when Hillary got into office by nuclear war. Nuclear is the only thing that will destroy a soul.
We had to take her out & we could not go back to Cain & Abel, where Cain killed Abel. We could only go back 2,000 yrs within the Age of Pisces.
We are beginning/starting a NEW 24,000 year cycle . Leaving the Age of Picses (Age of Delusion/Lies-& entering The Age of Aquarius (Truth, enlightenment) notice “IRON” on cycle.
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