Interesting looking at the top 10 RPG kickstarters right now. You have to go to 11 before seeing funding at less than 50k. Only 2 are accessories, and 60% market to 5E players. Lets take a look at the list.
2-9 together miss #1 by $1 million, which is incredible. Also worth noting that ignoring the accessories, 3/8 books require the 5e core books while the other 5, even those based on 5e, can be played on their own.
Also worth mentioning is that theres a host of projects in the $500 to $25,000 range as well. Its a BIG month in rpg kickstarters. Id be curious how many of these you all are backing, or had even heard of before I posted this.
It feels like theres a lot of money floating around, but because its across a bunch of different styles and tastes and communities we dont see the big picture too often. Kickstarter is an opportunity to look over the wall and see whats really going on, at least a little.
I wonder if that means the industry has hit the size and scale that the issue becomes marketing outside our bubbles more than is there money to be had in rpgs. Still a thing to be dealt with, but very different approaches and solutions to look at and work towards.
Curious what you all think. Please do share thoughts and feels. And thanks for reading!
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