Please remember, as tonight’s breaking news breathlessly (& irrelevantly) tell us the “R is close to or above 1.0!!!”, that’s it’s an ARTEFACT. The ratio of positive tests to total tests has stopped falling. That’s because we’re at the false positive rate. No one is ill. They..
..have found that in 97% of the so-called “positives”, now at last someone thought they’d check to see what it means, they cannot CULTURE the virus from the samples. That’s because it’s only broken fragments, prob from infection weeks ago. Back to mass testing. The more tests...
...they run, anxiously chasing down the Last Virus Particle In The Country, while the real prevalence of the virus falls below detectable (well, it would, given Ferguson estimated R at 0.2 a few weeks ago), the positives tend to be almost wholly false positives. Eventually, and..
..happened a few weeks back, the ratio of positives to tests stopped falling. In my experience of 40y of testing, this says we’re recording solely the false positive rate. Imagine for a moment I’m correct. That rate cannot fall further, it’s intrinsic to the technology. So the... week, comparing the apparent prevalence to the previous week’s apparent prevalence (dividing one by the other) and you get unity, 1.0 & voila!
“R is back to about 1.0, COBRA meeting called!”
ITS AN ARTEFACT arising from people not knowing what they’re doing.
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