In many of my recent Threads & videos I've used the phrase abuse of Citizenry often.
This is because the Left created a SOCIETALLY ENGINEERED structure that used US as it's "fuel" or power source.
For a century there have been Marxists & Elitists working from the Shadows to **finesse** Americans into ACCEPTING positions that are NOT IN OUR INTERESTS.
It's about stealing our freedoms & liberty over a protracted period of time until we enter abject Serfdom.
Now I need to be VERY CLEAR here.
Government is NOT YOUR FRIEND, your Daddy, Mommy or Steward in any real sense.
Our first President said= Government is not REASON.
Like a fire, KEEP IT SMALL.
Contained. Control IT or IT will control YOU!
US Attorney John Durham understands this implicitly.
How do I know that?
THIS is his official Portrait.
He might be very friendly with HIS friends, not you.
He might have to sock you away in a federal Jail Cell for years.
Government's #1 Job is to protect it's population. Everything else is TERTIARY.
Federal Education? That was a very BAD IDEA. (SEE: Berkeley)
Federal Authority is being pulled back, not advanced under President Trump who's cutting destructive & stifling regulations like mad.
If our Founders had an INKLING what Americans tolerate today they'd be apoplectic.
They went to WAR against the then most powerful Military on Earth & eventually defeated them.
They did it over things you & I would consider TRIVIAL today.
We have been PROGRAMMED to tolerate it.
Subtly, over decades, foreign money bought up so much influence through legal & ILLEGAL lobbying in DC many of our Politicians simply didn't pursue OUR interests any longer.
What Americans wanted or needed was addressed LAST if at all.
Our votes & $$$ wasted.
On our campuses an insidious campaign was launched to turn the youth against the Founding & Institutions that made America great.
In our Courts Activist Judges legislated from the bench rulings that FORCED Americans to accept what the legislature couldn't pass into law.
The worst malefactor of all, the MSM inundated Americans on every media front with a barrage of MIND POISON designed to make you hate yourself, your Country & it's history.
Decades of News, Movies & TV written, produced & funded to **push** you into a desired direction.
Carter was supposed to prepare the American People for mediocrity.
His "malaise" speech was carefully crafted by the Left to **gentle** Americans off the Top Spot on the World Stage so THE USUAL SUSPECTS could get back to business as USUAL. (Unimpeded Oppression of Humanity)
C'mon Man, America is OVER!
We rob Banks!
Anti Heroes everywhere as the carefully crafted MORAL ROT took hold.
It was a Psy Op from Day One.
You won't defend what reviles you (MEDIA) or what you never knew about to begin with (EDUCATION)
Americans responded accordingly in 1980.
Reagan pulled America back from the brink & gave us 8 very good years.
His successor took the TORCH of American Excellence that Reagan had passed him & promptly EXTINGUISHED IT in the DC Swamp.
Right back to American ambivalence & indifference as the Wolves circled our Home.
Since 1946 http://US.GOV  had exacerbated an already growing problem Americans were FEELING but couldn't put their finger on.
Something was terribly WRONG but you could never articulate it.
Well, I can.
In 1946 we'd just won WWII & saved Humanity from fascism.
But our government had learned lessons both incredible & TERRIBLE.
They had been forced to respond to German & Japanese propaganda & found some of their techniques effective.
They began to mount Operations designed to manipulate enemy populations with more 7 more success.
After the defeat of Germany & Japan certain US institutions began using THOSE TECHNIQUES on their own people.
This made the minor abuses & corruption our government had always had & contended with far worse.
It opened Doors that never should have been allowed open...
The abuse of Citizenry was being solidified & couched in language designed to take advantage of American's good heartedness, tolerance & sense of fair play.
It became so pervasive it even took it's toll on those embedded in the heart of vile Agendas.
The #StealthMarxists managed to gain control of the DNC in the late 60's.
Everything you're seeing now on America's Streets is because of their elitist structure that was turning you into a 2nd class citizen in your own Country.
They chose race over class to effect revolution.
Ok, some pix don't appear to be loading...but I'm just going to bash on.
& now the Revolution is here....launched too early.
Because President Trump is FORCING THEIR HAND.
Trump know far better than I what a vile structure the Left built & he's dismantling it at LIGHTSPEED.
Look at the insanity on full display right now in places like Seattle & Portland.
Hyper-violent Insaniacs ENABLED by the Left to run amok.
Now imagine those people in year 4 of a Hillary Presidency where ISIS wasn't defeated, the Courts are all against you & the MSM isn't broken.
Hillary would be at war with HOW MANY Nations right now?
Then the Marxist Revolution say around 2024 where your WHITE SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!
Trump is literally destroying their WORLD!
A world that ran on their ABUSE of us.
That's why he's determined to wreck them.
The changes he's making are so deep rooted & complete the Left will be unable to make a political dent for DECADES to come.
That DNC Convention was exactly what I expected.
They are flailing about in confusion as President Trump builds inertia.
Their WORLD wasn't REAL.
Yet they were using their CONTROL of MSM, the Courts & Education to FORCE us to live in it.
Have you listened to the psycho-babble of the Loons rioting in Portland?
I mean really listened to them?
They are LIVING in that World Trump's destroying.
President Trump moved in the Left's Orbit for decades.
He knows what they are & what they had in store for America.
Well, he resolved to stop them & he's doing it EFFECTIVELY.
They are trying desperately to stop HIM but they're doing it INEFFECTIVELY.
Portland & Seattle are a distraction.
President Trump is fixing America & thereby The World under the Radar as his opposition flounder & fail.
He's not going to be our Daddy, he's going to GET OUT OF OUR WAY to let us live our lives as a people TRULY FREE.
The incorrigible & demonic are going away.
The $$$ assets & POWER the Left wielded to build their abusive World is coming to NOTHING.
Cartels, Oligarchs & Billionaires are losing their capacity to PUSH us.
As they are exposed for all to see.
No one's gonna miss them
Trump prepared the Battlespace carefully in advance.
ASSET FORFEITURE (Buh BYE Ill Gotten Gains!)
FIRST STEP ACT (We got a Prison Cell for YOU!)
As the Left now chases the USPS Hoax demanding we believe them Trump's not DEMANDING anything.
He's pursuing the INTERESTS every American who voted for him wants.
I can't WAIT to vote for him again on Nov. 3rd as the MSM assure me in their latest Polls that Slow Joe Biden's got this sewn up.
President Trump is not here to abuse us.
He's here to OPEN DOORS.
We just have to STARE into the HIDEOUS FACE of the unmasked (!) Left first.
To teach America once & for all who & what almost destroyed our beloved Country beyond recall.
Then we ROCKET to the Stars to signal our victory in the #SoulWAR.
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