
There will be two hurricanes in the Gulf at the same time as wildfires ravage the western states at the same time as a global pandemic at the same time as U.S. infrastructure is dismantled.

What can you do, now, to aid yourself and your family in withstanding these things?
Can you order some extra OTC meds and first aid stuff, maybe cheaply from a discount retailer? Can you replenish that extra food cushion a bit? Buy a little extra dog food? Can you find the disused safety goggles and mod them as eye protection from smoke?
How about stashing some gallons of clean water in case the infrastructure is damaged? When you are low on prescriptions, are there some you can refill a couple days early and horde the extra pills? Can you scan and keep copies of your important legal documents somewhere?
Can you keep the gas tank in your car full? Do you know how to operate the household generator and shop vac if you have them? Do you know where the gas and water main cutoffs are in your building? Does your neighbor need help getting out if the elevator is broken?
Do you know where your pet carriers are? If your pets need shots, can you get them done a bit early? Do you know what you need to take if you have to flee for a week? Did you make a list?
There is a lot going on.

It is all happening at once.

You are not a survivalist.

Don't bother with iron rations, a grappling hook, 50' of rope, a bullseye lantern, and a ten foot pole.
Resiliency is about getting through rough patches.

It's not about fictional independence from society. We need people and people will need us.

Talk to your family, friends, & neighbors. Where can you go if the fires threaten your town? Who can you take in from the hurricanes?
Try to build a cushion so that a three-day disruption in your usual supply chains is not a crisis. Start there. Food, water, meds, treats, pet supplies, paper goods.

If you can. It takes money, obviously.

But if you can, once you get a little cushion, try to help someone else.
Ask neighbors or family what they need. Make an emergency plan with friends who live in a risk area. Donate money to a local aid organization. Contribute to a charity auction. Donate stuff to charity. Signal boost.
As institutional networks are taken apart, we have what we always have. Each other.

We are resilient.

As systems falter, we will catch each other.

Start thinking about your plan now.

The future is dystopian only if we make it so.
You can follow @sigridellis.
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