But to tell the truth,there is a lot of things happening in our healthcare system..im gona lat it bare here on this thread..first i want people out there to understand what it takes to train a Dr,so myths are dispelled..the training is 6 years for a reason.
Firstly its the time it takes..6 years for undegrad..this involved theory and clinical work..so this thing of politicians saying people are learning on patients is bull..Drs dnt fall from the sky..they are trained..on patients..not on anything else..
Produce results..but then im demoralised right now..i have been working for BW government for 8 years now..ke ntsha maduo..but where I am?i have been only promoted once..once!!!you can even ask Dr Tshipayagae what kind of a Dr I am..but alas..so those are some issues
And one day,when i finally leave,after giving that much of my career,i will not look back..and I will be selfish with my time..i will go work where i am happy..where i am valued..and my poor patients will suffer..the lucky ones will follow me where i go..thats the reality.
That actually demoralise people who work hard in this country.o tla e dira PBRS gore o kgoboge tlhogo,if they dont wana promote you they wont..if you arent their favourite son or daughter forget about promotion..
I have actually wanted to leave for rhe longest time..Im fed up..im exhausted..im tired..im demoralised..im unhappy in my job..I wana go back to SA..i really do..i wana go and never come back.or if i do never to work in the public sector again..its the pits..
And for me to be proficient in my profession,and to be experienced i need to practice..and practice is on patients..when you are a med student,you practice under supervision from professors and consultants..when you are an intern,you still do the same but some
You can do some things on your own depending on how well versed you are with that http://procedure.trust  me,medicine is hard..we deal with lives,we deal with issues of death everyday..still as an intern you have a logbook where those procedures are signed off once done..
If your supervisors are satisfied with your perfomance then you are ticked off as being qualified to be an independent Medical Officer..you can now start doing thungs on your own,but still you have the guidance of your specialists and consultants..
So its learning all the way..there are bo shortcuts in Medicine..you learn by reading and by doing things..you can read about it,byt if you never do it then you arent safe to practice..
Then there is speciality training..this is where you now focus on one speciality and only treat patients with conditions in that field..only..same process as in undergrad..but a little refined since you now have practiced before..4 more years of school..exams..practice and more
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