Thread – What the Vindman Soap Opera Tells Us About the #Dementiacrats and the US Military

1. LTC Alexander Vindman, US Army, submitted his retirement papers on 8 July. Good riddance to the traitorous, duplicitous, and lying disgrace of an Army officer!
2. Before Vindman decided to retire, he had been selected to attend the Army War College, suggesting the service intended to promote him to colonel and retain him in order to earn a graduate degree and continue his service post-education.
3. These plumbs aren’t just handed out to anyone who applies; usually, the people selected are deemed “front-runners” with future promotion and service a virtual certainty. So why did he retire?
4. Because Vindman knew his career was over for his primetime role in the #Dementiacrats’ Ukraine hoax last year that led to the acquittal-for-life of @realDonaldTrump by the US Senate earlier this year (which seems like years ago, doesn’t it?).
5. And in going out the door, he is once again willingly being used as a political tool by the #Dementiacrats against President Trump. Sure enough, the disgraceful anti-American junior US senator from Illinois stepped into that breach:
5A. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., has threatened to bar the promotions of more than 1,100 field-grade officers until she gets confirmation from Defense Secretary Mark Esper that his department did not meddle in the promotion chances of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, ….
6. Yeah, right, Tammy, you worthless piece of trash. You’re playing with the lives and careers of honorable men in service of a worthless lieutenant colonel and also your deeply flawed political motives.
7. Her despicable actions are just the latest example of the #Dementiacrats relentlessly destroying the morale of the Armed Forces with their politicization of the military, just as surely as they are attacking police and law and order.
8. Look what they did to the FBI and DOJ under Obama's 8 years of corruption!
9. The Vindman twins should have been court-martialed and executed by firing squad for treason (enabling and participating at the head of a coup d'etat against the Commander in Chief), or at least convicted to serve decades-long jail sentences.
10. That naive asshole repeatedly boasted about being stroked and played by Ukrainian corrupt oligarchs who backed Vladimir Putin's favorite Ukrainian, former dictator (till 2014) Yanukovich, to be his "Ukrainian Defense Minister."
11. What a fricking stupid conceited IDIOT! As if they really would indulge his megalomaniac political fantasies!!!
12. Duckworth is emblematic of the worst Senate and Congress in American history!
13. The biggest problem is that #Dementiacrat outrages have become so frequent and so extreme that Washington has become de-sensitized to them--nobody prosecutes them nor holds them in any way accountable. It's the Deep State daily fare and par for the course.
14. Vindman would have been a prime candidate to get fragged by his own troops. Undoubtedly, he will wind up soon as a consultant to the Biden campaign, or as a paid "contributor" to CNN or MSNBC, and also pour out his egotistical vitriol in the pages of the NYT and WaPo.
15. During the catastrophic Obama years, the Personnel bureaucracies of the Army, Navy, and Air Force were crammed with woke Politically Correct social justice warriors, Equal Opportunity minorities and community organizers of the Obama mentality.
16. In many cases, it was the only kind of place to which Obama-friendly non-competitive officers of color could be promoted and assigned above and beyond their White, Latino, and Asian peers in Combat Arms, Engineering, Info Tech, and Logistics, ….
16A. … for which many were unqualified or not as competitive.
17. So, it is not then surprising that a lot of personnel decisions in the Armed Forces such as promotions get manipulated by the Obama-beholden crowd that still permeates the N1/G1/A1 and J1 echelons in each Service and major command.
18. The kind of people that Ray Mabus promoted in my Navy, based almost entirely on their skin color, homosexuality, or #Dementiacrat political tendencies makes me sick. That’s how Vindman was promoted by the Army and got his gig at the NSC, too.
19. And there are many more like him in the US military who need to be rooted out and cashiered. Then we can get the military back to focusing on military readiness and training. It is disgusting that things have degraded to require these actions, but there it is! ///The end.
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