#JerseyCity: the 2020 @JerseyCity budget is being voted on 8+ months into the year, at 2pm on a Tuesday, w less than a week's notice of the final vote. I've not been able to focus acutely on this process like others (eg @solidarityJC @SarahLigon @BlackMUJC @HudCoDSA et al) but https://twitter.com/HeinisHardNews/status/1296826752711438337
..will say that over the past few weeks I've seen progressive activists grapple w this budget process in systematic, coordinated fashion & it's what we need more of in #JerseyCity
JC political establishment brands itself as "progressive" but IMHO #community is what's progressive
There are so many reasons to be cynical as we watch #JerseyCity push its budget through in this manner. But IMO important to note the flip side of the coin: the advocates (the actual #progressives) have done objective research & put public stakes in the ground. We all can...
...go back to public record & listen to dozens+ of public comments over successive council meetings that challenge budget priorities but also offer new ways to allocate spending which IMO is critical to helping reimagine what the budget can look like, eg: https://twitter.com/CivicParent/status/1293703533527732226?s=20
But knowing process is key too
For instance I would be v interested to know after 2020 budget vote is done, what is the plan for voting SOONER next year on a budget funded w public $?

This is such a long game but I am blown away by advocacy to date just in past few months
What I've found most helpful about watching the advocacy of the past few months re: city budget is it's showing what the process *can* look like. And I hope this advocacy continues beyond Tues! We're only 4 months from start of 2021 -- the cycle will start anew!
I'm learning & watching -- I hope others will too! We're watching a huge civics lesson unfold. Also watching local @TheDemocrats party get called out re: how "progressive" is a misnomer. You see the budget, you see the reality
Final note-Some politicians may be more progressive than we realize. Perhaps they need public space & support to push. Advocacy can help create that public space
IMHO each person has to find their own comfort level w/ how they advocate, but engagement IMO is starting point
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