Privileged Journalists HR Committee Hearing Fact sheet :

Is there online harassment of Journalists : Yes
Do Female journalists face more harassment : Yes
Is the harassment of female journalists more vicious & personal : Yes
Is PTI the only party whose supporters indulge in this : No
Is there organized trolling of women on Twitter : Yes
Do all parties participate in that
Is there any link between trolling of women opponents of PTI & PTI leadership
: No
Is there any link between trolling of women opponents of PMLN/PPP & Maryam/Bilawal
: Yes
Do other parties target women in PTI specifically
:Yes Have some of the female activists/journalists who complained themselves been involved in trolling of PTI women
Have any of these female activists/journalists ever condemned trolling of PTI related women or apologized for their actions
Is their complain about facing online harassment true
: Yes
R their allegations of this harassment being ordered by PTI ldrshp true
: No Does HR mtg being hosted by Bilawal who himself follows horribly abusive accounts & openly threatens hypocritical
: Yes
Was PPP's extra concern on this issue when its own ministers run vile anti news channels trends a staged event
: Yes
Do all the activists showing concern on this issue when they have consistently ignored and still continue to ignore similar complaints by PTI supporters seem hypocritical
: Yes
Is the revelation that some of the activists/journalists that appeared in front of the HR Committee themselves were involved in abuse of Shireen Mazari embarrassing?
: Yes
Can it be said that some of these activists were the pioneers of trolling on Twitter in Pakistan when the masses were not even present on twitter?
: Yes
Have some of these activists been found deleting their earlier tweets in which they have abused various PTI related women including the continuous bullying of Jemima?
: Yes
Have these activists been found disseminating fake news on twitter repeatedtly? : Yes
Were the rebuttals given in response to their fake news ever greeted with a sane/civilized response by them? : No
Have they repeatedly shown bias towards PPP/PMLN. : Yes
Did the organizations or the personnel they have worked/working for materially benefitted from the ads given by previous Govt ?
: Yes
Seeing the discussion ensuing their complain does it seem that a major portion of their complaint is more about being given Gov access & a free hand in disseminating fake news ?
: Yes
Should the Gov respond to their complain in a positive manner by openly denouncing online abuse and discouraging its followers to not indulge in it?
: Yes
Should the gov and its officials continue to issue rebuttals to the fake news generated by this group of journalists ?

: Yes
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