US Update: 8/20/20

Graph 1: Daily Deaths + Current Hospitalizations

- Hospitalizations falling off a cliff
- Deaths DOWN 46 W-o-W
- 4th consecutive day of W-o-W decline in deaths

With so many legacy deaths reported and death certificate matching, downturn is slowed.

Graph 2: COVID ICU Census vs. Deaths (7DayAvg) vs. Daily Detected Cases

***Deaths flattened out for 2 weeks but showing first tangible downturn

- 7-Day Death avg DOWN 40 W-o-W
- ICUs dropping consistently
- Cases dropping rapidly

Graph 3: Daily Tests + Detected Cases + Case Positivity

***7-Day Case Pos% down 1.3% W-o-W

- Tests down 245k W-o-W
- Detected Cases down 8,500 W-o-W

Graph 4: Coronavirus - Census for Hospitalizations vs. ICUs vs. Ventilators

***All keep falling quickly

- Hosps DOWN 5,260 W-o-W
- ICUs DOWN 1,050 W-o-W
- Vents DOWN 244 W-o-W

Deaths must follow

Graphs 5: Daily Estimated Cases vs. Deaths

AZ/FL/TX combo peak is 7/21 but FL/TX 7/25. Curve drops nicely after that but not showing fully due to reporting lag - don't want to show premature drops.

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