Market cap ratio between 10 biggest SPX stocks + next 490 firms ranges from 17.5% in 2014 to 25.5% in 1980.

A recent high of 27.6% was pandemic/lockdown induced, collapsing small & mid cap companies.

Dozens of commentaries have decried this concentrated risk for the top 5 or 10 stocks in the index.

All declared it as risky, excessive, or dangerous — Yet they never explain what the historical levels were, why they are elevated now, or why today's concentration is risky.

Next 15 industry sectors in index are down between 30.5% and 41.7%.

Lose the 30 most damaged sectors + it shaves 2% off the S&P 500; The 50 worst performing industry sectors are under 6% of the index’ size.

Market capitalization is the reason why.

These beaten-up sectors are big in our local economy, but tiny in indexes:

Department stores are a mere 0.01% of the S&P 500.
Airlines are 0.18% of the index. The story is the same for travel services, hotel and motel REITs, and resorts and casinos.

Some of the gains are Absolute: Big cap tech stocks have seen huge increases in revenue and profits as their business models benefit from WFH environments.

Over time, capital flows benefit biggest stocks most + these holdings become larger as a percentage of the index.

Relative performance occurs when those stocks do compared to others, and because of that, become even larger within the index. Their success attracts more capital, and quarterly index rebalancing works to their advantage.

2020 has seen Absolute + Relative Performance: Not only have top 10 stocks done well, most of next 490 have done poorly. This is unusual.

Most economies work through various market caps. The uniqueness of the pandemic and lock down has created a very unusual situation.

In most financial circumstances when externalities hit, markets wobble. We see a spike in fear that leads to a fast + hard sell off.

But then, markets normalize, and simply resume their prior trend.

That may be what is taking place currently, with a caveat.

When all this is over, will the FAANMG advantages stick?

Or, will mean reversion occur, as the prior economic structures reassert themselves?

Will the economic dinosaurs soon find themselves replaced by smarter, more adaptable mammals?

I don't pretend to know the answer to these questions.

It might be a little of both, as some of the future gets accelerated forward to deal with the lockdown, benefiting big tech. But things might normalize somewhat once we have a Covid-19 vaccine and treatment.

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