1/ So what do “anti-vaxxers” actually want? Are they just crazy? Do they want to abolish vaccines?
2/ like any diverse community, goals vary. However, I think all can agree that testing of current childhood vaccine schedule is insanely inadequate...
3/ Namely: A) none of the vaccines on the schedule have ever been subjected to double-blind placebo study, B) schedule of shots never tested as they are given- in combination, C) unvaccinated kids never studied
4/ this leaves the entire schedule at the mercy of post-marketing surveillance (VAERS, VSD) which is a mess, making the schedule a giant experiment...
5/ all vaccines were hardly created equal, btw, my own opinion is Hep B is one of the most destructive...
8/ If you just read those 2 studies about Hep B, do u think I have a right to question the need? Many countries only give Hep B when mom is Hep B+...not the USA!!
9/ and Goodman and Gallagher followed it up with an autism-specific study. Conclusion? Not encouraging. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21058170/ 
10/ so if I say, “the risk-reward for Hep B needs to be studied based on this science”, does that make me a lunatic? And I’ve just given you the tiniest window into how an “anti-vaxxer” thinks...
11/ BTW, our community of “vaccine risk-aware” people is exploding, thanks to COVID. Join us, and share your concerns here!!!
12/ Last tweet. Just peruse this list of 50 scientific studies and answer simple question: “still sure vaccines are ‘safe and effective’l”? http://vaccinesafetycommission.com/studies.html 
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