What is the one thing all successful people have?


Mentorship has *stages*.

You're in one of these two scenarios:

1 - "I hate my job but don't know what to do"

2 - Have an end goal in mind you're chasing.


[[ THREAD ]]
Let's start with those who have an end goal they are chasing.

[If you're not clear on what your "end goal" looks like, keep reading]

You have a vision for your business:

- eComm
- YouTube
- Instagram
- Agency
- Author

The list goes on.

If you know your avenue...
Find someone who has been successful in it.

Someone who has done exactly (or close to) what you are doing.

Find paid mentorship services they offer (group or individual) and pay them.


If you aren't willing to pay-to-play...
then you better be willing to

- Lose $
- Lose Time

through your mistakes.

Also, "those who pay, pay attention."

Want to take your business more seriously and make ACTUAL progress?

Pay a mentor.

For those who DON'T know exactly what they want to do...
Most people don't know what they want to do.

I.E. "I hate my job but what tf else would I do if I leave?"

They desire a change but haven't identified exactly what that change looks like.

*Do not pay a mentor.*

Spend time on yourself first.

Here are your best options...
1 - Mentorship by Books

The most affordable way to learn from the pros.

Books are available to everyone, use it to your advantage.

Topics you need to invest in are:

- Self-help
- Business
- Relationship
- Finances

Gather a broad spectrum of knowledge.
2 - Mentorship by Journaling

Discover more about *you*.

Journaling: As simple as 1 sentence a day can open the door to your soul.


The idea isn't to just gather knowledge.

It's to gather knowledge for the sake of discovering what *ignites* you.
Journaling is how you discover it.

Here's how you can effectively journal in 5 minutes to lead you down a path of purpose and discovery:

1 - 3 goals
2 - 3 gratitudes
3 - Answer 1 specific question

"The better questions you ask, the better answers you receive"

For example...
- What does the best version of me look like?
- What is my perfect day?
- What attributes do I admire from those I look up to?
- What is holding you back?

Even if you answer with 1 sentence you have now

- Envisioned it
- Thought deeply about it
- Described it

And it is real..
But the most important thing you are doing is *discovering* WHO you desire to become.

Once you discover deeply who you want to become, the "what should I do?" is the easy part.

*You waste too much time looking at it the other way around.*

Now it is your job to...
Try a bunch of things!

You're gaining a better understanding of the knowledge that interests you and the path that ignites you.

But you can't truly know if you don't try.

- Try
- Commit
- Learn
- Fail

And in doing so

Your focus will begin to hone in.
You know what you're after.

You understand the life you desire to create.

You feel the person you are becoming.

*Time to get a mentor.*

Now is your time to self-evaluate.

Zoom out and think inward.

What stage of mentorship are you at and how can you get to the next stage?
Constant self-reflection will keep you moving forward.


To Summarize:

Mentorship has stages.

If you aren't ready to pay-to-play, don't.

- Learn
- Be patient
- Look inward

And your time will come.

If you are ready to pay-to-play, do it.

Take yourself more seriously.

As always, RT's are appreciated.

Thanks ya'll 🙏
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