I want to re-up this one more time bc I keep seeing tweets that assume that university admin bringing students to campus are just ghouls who are making poor decisions. That very well may be true, but the problem is much, mucb deeper than a few guys at the top making bad decisions https://twitter.com/bretdevereaux/status/1295909929228873728
We’ve made a system where even if admin wanted to make moral decisions, they essentially CAN’T. The whole system has to be rebuilt entirely.
(This isn’t to excuse university administrators. It’s just to point out that if we got rid of all of them and replaced them with “good” people but kept the system the same, we’d probably end up in exactly the same place.)
(What we need are people who can rethink the whole architecture of the modern university, not just people who will make “better” decisions inside the same broken system.)
(I’m not that person. I suspect most academics aren’t. We’re not trained to do that; we’re trained to teach ourselves languages, read a lot, etc. It’s a problem.)
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