How to engage the correct way?

Engagement is about holding conversations by commenting.

Here is a thread on how to engage better!

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The common advice is to add value to comments.

It means adding more information to what is already there in the tweet.

If the tweet is:

"Happiness is the meaning of life.

Be happy".

To add value, you could add information on how to be happy.

You are adding "FACTS".

To succeed on Twitter, people need to network and build relationships.

Continually adding value in the form of FACTS does not help with relationship building.

After commenting a few times on a person's tweets with FACTS, it needs to become conversational.

If another tweet is:

"Take action today.

It will take you places."

You could hold a conversation by commenting:

"That's great. What action have you taken today?".

Questions are a great way to start a conversation.

By holding conversations, you are building a relationship.

What is the big deal with building relationships?

If you do, they will engage in your tweets.

That builds social proof.

It will mean more people will want to join you and your gang.

If people join you, successful promotions are likely.

Without much relationship building, red hot tweets will get left alone.

It will not take off, a wasted effort.

Focus on relationships.

That will take you further than anything else.
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