I have to admit, I was a social worker who thought I could make a difference and change lives! Cheesy right! They did not tell me in social work class that case managers in placement agencies have quotas! This thought never entered my mind!
So imagine my surprise when I become a case manager (at placement agency) and I’m called into the office for my caseload being low! I was excited my case load was low! I had been working my cases...kids were either going home or being adopted!
I proudly inform my Director of why my caseload is low. So she adds more kids to my caseload. I work these too! I am feeling empowered that I am able to work these cases. But the agency is not proud of my work! But they can’t openly state this to me!
During the monthly meetings, the owner of the agency begins pushing quotas! YES, I HAD A QUOTA FOR CHILDREN! We were told that when a child left the agency it was our duty to bring in another child! WHERE THE HELL AM I GONNA GET A CHILD FROM I ASKED MY DIRECTOR!?
She responded with not literally! But this was pushed in our weekly and monthly meetings! If we didn’t maintain our numbers than they would have to start laying off people! So you see, it’s not that all case managers are bad.
Non profit agencies have just learned how to make money off our children! Children should never be considered a number or a quota it’s just immoral! #SaveOurChildren
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