Under Trump's Law & Order, we will be able 2 advance in ways mankind can't fathom, & in ways mankind SHOULD have been taught 4 the past 100 years.
Nikola Tesla, Victor "The Water Bender" Schauberger, & the suppressed sciences of many others will take us 2 the stars.
WATER is key.
💧 IS the only thing on Earth that defies gravity by means of 'evaporation'. 💧 also amazingly causes seeds 2 germinate & bust through concrete with incredible force!
You already know water has electro-static potential, as I've shown you faucet💧 being magnetic 2 a static baloon.
"Watch The Water".
Viktor Schauberger ~"The revelation of the secrets of water will put an end 2 all manner of speculation or expediency and their excrescenses, 2 which belong war, impatience & hatred. The thorough study of💧 ends monopolies & domination"
If you think for one second, that Trump doesn't know these things & if you don't believe Trump is in FULL control of the Transition to Human Greatness, then you're sadly mistaken as to what his plans & intentions are for humanity on Earth, in its purest & TRUEST form.
Ken Wheeler(Theoria Apophasis on YouTube), is a bonified genius & he CLEARLY watches the Q movement here on Twitter & is indeed SCREAMING at all of you, WHO & WHAT all these revolutionary but SUPRESSED geniuses of our history, knew about energy & nature.
R Crystal Pineal Gland in the center of R brain. What fluid SURROUNDS our brain? Is it water?
R [They] forcing us 2 drink 'dead' water from R faucets? In the processed foods we eat?
We shower in it.
chemically altered rain?
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