Thankful to Andy for doing this work. See in his thread about how Graham is performing #1 on Facebook, and doing it by straight-up lying
Y'all. Do you think I *enjoy* having internet beefs with famous Christian men? I do not!

But for some reason, because I was raised a conservative Christian, I think that the truth actually matters.
My mom texted me yesterday (in response to my question about why it is always Christians we know sharing false information) that she thinks people have not been discipled into discernment in the church.
This is a big deal for her to say, because she is somebody for whom the church has been her whole life (married to a pastor, someone who leads Bible studies and worship and a lot more). But what does that mean, exactly? It can sound a little . . . churchy, to me.
I don't see the Bible talking a ton about discernment (I mean, it is in there). But it talks so much about idols that we cling to because we think they will keep us safe, well-fed, victorious. Because we know, deep down, this is not what God promises us.
Deep down we want things like affluence, autonomy, safety, and power for ourselves more than we want to do the hard, joyful work of dying to our own desires in order to see God's kingdom come in our own neighborhoods.
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