Breakdown of all the 4.5 goalkeepers (Thread) 💭

6 goalkeepers are priced at 4.5 that are expected to start this season. The popular Ryan and McCarthy, the promoted Meslier, Johnstone and Rodák and Heaton coming back from injury

Let's try and find the new Pope shall we...
Matt Ryan (25.5%) - Brighton

Stats: (per game) 📊

FPL points: 135 (3.55)
Games played: 38
Clean sheets: 9 (0.24)
Goals conceded: 54 (1.4)
Saves: 117 (3.1)
Save percentage: 68%
Bonus points: 14
Fixtures 📆
Alex McCarthy (14.5%) - Southampton

Stats (per game) 📊

FPL points: 104 (3.71)
Games played: 28
Clean sheets: 7 (0.25)
Goals conceded: 35 (1.3)
Saves: 79 (2.8)
Save percentage: 69%
Bonus points: 8
Fixtures 📆
Illan Meslier (1.8%) - Leeds

Stats (per game) 📊

FPL points: -
Games played: 10
Clean sheets: 7 (0.7)
Goals conceded: 4 (0.4)
Saves: 20 (2)
Save percentage: 83%
Bonus points: -
Fixtures 📆
Sam Johnstone (1.4%) - West Brom

Stats (per game) 📊

FPL points: -
Games played: 46
Clean sheets: 14 (0.3)
Goals conceded: 46 (1)
Saves: 110 (2.4)
Save percentage: 71%
Bonus points: -
Fixtures 📆
Marek Rodák (1.0%) - Fulham

Stats (per game) 📊

FPL points: -
Games played: 33
Clean sheets: 13 (0.39)
Goals conceded: 33 (1)
Saves: 99 (3.0)
Save percentage: 75%
Bonus points: -
Fixtures 📆
Tom Heaton (0.2%) - Aston Villa

Stats (per game) 📊

FPL points: 59
Games played: 20
Clean sheets: 4 (0.2)
Goals conceded: 35 (1.8)
Saves: 67 (3.4)
Save percentage: 66%
Bonus points: 3
Fixtures 📆
Conclusion 📖💭

The high ownership of Ryan and McCarthy definetly don't surprise me when you look at this. They are the only 4.5 GKs that played in the PL last season and didn't have any injury issues. People are often scared of promoted teams, especially defensive assets and...
I can agree because it's difficult to predict.

So let's start comparing Ryan and McCarthy and we find that they have incredibly simliar stats all the way from FPL points per game to save percentage. A very slight to advantage to McCarthy however and adding on the fixtures I...
believe that McCarthy currently looks like the better option despite being less owned than Ryan.

Looking at the newly promoted goalkeepers, none have more than 2% ownership so it's obvious that managers are staying away from them. Should you?

Well Leeds had the best defense...
by far last season out of the promoted teams but the fact that Meslier is so unexperienced combined with the hard fixtures and the fact that Leeds is yet to sign another CB it's currently a pass from me.

Between Johnstone and Rodák it has to be Rodák for me. Fulham has one...
of, if not the best fixtures to start the season and despite them being terrible defensively in their last PL campaign Rodák's stats last season were really good.

If Fulham show signs of stability defensively in the early games, he might be one for your early WC
Last but not least is Tom Heaton. We don't know much about his injury more than he is training once again and might be ready for the start of the season and it will be very interesting if he is. Heaton's stats look the worst out of all the GKs on paper but remember that this...
was the first half of the season when Villa were terrible defensivly. Since the restart they were actually one of the better defences in the league. Because of the blank GW1, no one will probably own him but after that I can really see him as a great option on an early wildcard.
From what I have seen from Aston Villa since the restart I think Heaton has the biggest potential of repeating Pope's numbers from last season. They defend wery well and don't score many goals so when the clean sheets happen, Heaton will probably pick up a lot of bonus points.
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