If you’re someone who wishes Republicans and Democrats could put aside their differences and work together in the best interest of the American people, Joe Biden’s your guy...he sure is going to try...1/6
He really believes in that and he said he has plans on reaching across the aisle and working with Republicans to usher in legislation that’s beneficial to all Americans...2/6
I, OTOH, think he’s insane for thinking that. Republicans are calling him a radical leftist socialist who wants to destroy America, burn down our cities and lead us into total collapse. I’m not sure how you come to some compromise with that...3/6
I think Biden should ignore and belittle Republicans, laugh in their faces when they inevitably turn to debt and deficit hypocrisy, run up huge deficits, eliminate the filibuster and use every procedural trick in the book to pass as much progressive legislation as possible...4/6
... without knowing or caring what Republicans want or think.

But a President Biden will try to do ALL of that. He still thinks it’s the 80s & 90s when there were liberal Reps and Conservative Dems who were buddies that cut back room deals to advance important legislation...5/6
In 2020, that’s an impossibility because there’s no incentive for politicians to work together.

Trump won’t give a single shit what any Dem thinks going into a 2nd term. Joe Biden WILL care what Republicans think. I think that’s a mistake, but if you don’t, he’s your guy. 6/6
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