The #DemocraticEstablishment flacks, hacks, apparatchiks, douchebags, dickheads, toadies & rubes are quite committed to the thesis: TRUMP IS WORSE THAN BUSH.
But the "Trump is worse than Bush" thesis obligates partisan Democrats to address the role the Obama administration played in getting from Bush to "worse then Bush".

This is especially true since Biden (current nominee) was Obama's VP.
What are the basic theses that account for how the Obama administration was the bridge from Bush to "worse than Bush"?
There probably should be a preliminary discussion of what liberals mean when they say Trump is "worse than Bush".

Trump is more openly racist.

Bush would do racist stuff, but he'd pay lip service to "not all Muslims" and he included Powell & Rice at high levels.
Bush had the establishment deference to the establishment.

Trump selectively defers to the establishment but also scorns the establishment.

This is what liberals hate about Trump, not the racism.
Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden are the most overtly racist people the Democratic Party have nominated for President since 1964 (when measured by public racist statements & where they were relative to the party's base).
So, the argument that Trump's racism is what Democrats object to about Trump is bullshit.

Democrats object to Trump being a threat to the established hierarchy.
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