6/ And a decent man doesn't let his party run 4 days of Trump hatred to win the presidency.
7/ And a "but Trump" "whataboutisim," response doesn't cut it, because: a) Joe's not running on "I'm kinder" and "I lie less," but the bunk of I'm Saint Joe. AND if that's your pitch, fine, we'll decimate it--pile on #SaintJoe.
8/ But we aren't electing a Carer-In-Chief or someone to call up grammy. We're electing someone to call up UAE and Saudi Arabia and push them to make peace with Israel. We're electing someone to call up W.H.O. and say you lie, you lose our money.
9/ We're electing someone who calls up businesses and gets them to WH to solve supply problems w/ COVID. We're electing someone who has the strength to cut off travel from China knowing press will pummel them.
10/ Biden had 8 years with Obama to lead and none of the advancements of last 4 years were achieved, including with swine flu: The antiquated CDC surveillance system wasn't fixed under Biden--Trump did that.
11/11 I welcome a comparison of achievements and policies. What I detest is a candidate and party that sells a Saint Joe, and a media that accepts it unquestioningly. And a media that refuses to ask hard questions on policies and results. END
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