"The Left just want to shut down conversations".

Also Jerm, after inviting @afairweather (who's CENTER-RIGHT) on his show to discuss opposing views calmly and respectfully, then get upset when he does:
"I am never debating anyone with opposing views ever again"
2) Jerm was at sea in this debate from the outset, got mad, got yelled at by his wife & apologized 3 times to Al for being an asshole, searched for a draw by extending it to over 2 hours & remarking on what a nice chat it was & how chuffed he was with...
3) ...Youtube comments from fans saying what a pleasant chat and how nice Al was... then after the debate our boy realised how badly he lost and did a full 180, from "we should do this more often" to "I'm never doing this with anyone ever again."

Just astounding snowflakery 🤣😂
4) Here, Alistair lays out one of his main problems with Jerm (and most of his viewers) - his confirmation bias is so strong that he is far more interested in being right & being praised for it than he is in learning about opposing views and possibly changing his opinions.
5) The Battle For The Marketplace Of Ideas™

-Jerm asks for data
-Al says he can't recite all of it off-hand but prepped a whole research doc for Jerm & viewers to dissect after the debate
-Jerm & his viewers ignore it completely: 2 likes 0 replies
-Jerm retires from all debate
6) What a perfect moment in time, undoubtedly the highlight of the debate:

"Just because I am hilariously and dogmatically misinformed and generally don't know things, doesn't mean that I am NOT going to espouse strong opinions on those things to my huge audience."

*chef's kiss
7) Jeremy teaching an absolute masterclass in Jerm Warfare™, understanding words & nuance extremely well.

Al should be paying money for this honour.

Fuck me, he remains one of the funniest people on this website, Jerm PLEASE unblock me, I promise I won't reply to your tweets?
8) "I think we've discussed Ideas™ really well and I really appreciate that & there's way too much common ground for me to be annoyed about anything... but you're a center-right woke and i'm NEVER debating a 'woke' again. Also, 'woke' means whatever I want it to mean."
9) "Sorry for being an asshole and thank you for the thought-provoking conversation but you're exposing my aggressive stupidity so I am am hereby retiring from all debate with you woke, center-right polite snowflakes.
Join me next week as I host a 9/11 truther, in August of 2020!
10) The provocateur troll who constantly whines about how the Left won't discuss or debate or engage the Battle Of Ideas™, proudly announcing he's shutting the echo chamber door from the inside.

Just holler if you need us to bring milk & cookies to your sound-proof safe space?
11) To learn more about the unintentionally funniest man on South African Twitter and Youtube, here's an introduction.
Allow his comedic genius into your life.
I promise you will not regret it https://twitter.com/watokal/status/1279851955591024648
12) Hey @afairweather any thoughts on this? Apparently asking Jerm to consider maybe being more nuanced about life-or-death topics that are still unclear and gaining a better awareness of his confirmation bias is the same as forcing him to "self-censor"?
You can follow @watokal.
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