Here are some housekeeping notes:

I've deleted most of my inflammatory tweets about Eric Prince and the crop of younger Navy SEALs who've run for public office.

That was beneath me, (and ultimately would probably get me banned from Twitter).

But I still have some thoughts...1/
The SEALs are just another branch of the U.S. Navy.

They're highly trained and ridiculously capable.

But they're still just dudes.

They ain't gods.

They're all good operators.

That's what they were trained for...2/
Making it through the hell that is BUDS doesn't make you a genius.

It doesn't make you Dwayne Johnson.

It's your Rate.

You're fucking awesome.

But you still just a dude...3/
This SEAL worship needs to stop.

None of them are imbued with special powers.

And the vast majority of them do their jobs and are heroes.

And they keep their mouths shut.

But if they do make themselves public figures...4/
Like one eyeball man @DanCrenshawTX ...

Then they deserve the same scrutiny and criticism any politician normally gets.

Dan Crenshaw is not more of a patriot than you are.

That's the currency that folks...5/ him trade in: Over the top patriotism.

They wrap themselves in the flag...and bald eagles.

They stick bumper stickers on their cars and claim to support the troops...6/
But many of these "superpatriots" don't really give a shit about Vets.

I use to work everyday at a VA hospital taking care of Vets.

So tell me.

Who is really more of a patriot: The one who monetizes his past service for power and money?

Or the one who...7/
...just quietly does his job, taking care of his fellow Vets?
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