One of the greatest disadvantages of growing up feeling abandoned, is the perpetual need to be accepted..
And the long term psychological damage it causes..
Since u never had a proper family...
You long to be “accepted” in one..
And to be “accepted” by someone, you bend over backwards. In doing so, all you end up doing, all your life is wanting to please everyone, wherever you go...
This causes you to fall in bad company, have a bad career and even get abused in relationships..
Since the only thing you know, is to yearn for acceptance..
You fail to understand what your rights are.
People often ask me, “how could they, he/she do that to you”
They “did it” because I felt they should and I have no say in the matter..
Because again only acceptance matters.
It’s taken me years past my actually understand that I too have “rights”
Till this point I’ve been in abusive relationships and even let people in my career take advantage..
Because I never figured out my “rights”
I guess some people learn early and some too late..but in the end, I feel no one should stake their own personal rights for the fear of being rejected and the need for being accepted.
There will be a place where you’ll eventually fit in..the craving for acceptance will then pass.
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