There is a point of view that morality is not dependent upon religion or religious belief, so therefore if western society drifts towards secularism, it shouldn't have a negative impact upon morality, behaviour etc.

That sounds like a reasonable idea, until you look at what...
... happens when people replace a religion that has shaped societies for a couple of thousand years, with a relatively new ideology. Turns out it's not so easy after all and the results are to say the least, mixed. Leaving aside episodes of genocide in the 20th century, the...
... current postmodern neo-Marxist disease of wokeness, that justifies hate, seems to result in people drifting through life, feeling self-righteous but with little in the way of a belief, in anything, including facts. These followers of wokeness would see themselves as....
... progressives, but for the life of me, I can't actually see much evidence of progress.
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