I’ve been a little bit down on AoS since the early part of the year. Really feel that both my main armies (Nurgle and Gitz) just can’t compete against the strong shooting and magic brought by the current top tier factions. And our local group tends to chase that meta a bit. (1/6)
The pandemic killed my income, my hobby budget has been brought to almost zero and I’m stuck bringing what feels like a knife to a gunfight. It’s been demotivating and I’ve been distracted back to 40K with the excitement around 9th Edition. I gave up even trying in AoS. (2/6)
Last night I was coaxed back to playing a game by the buzz around a team event early next year. I had to play against a real optimised Seraphon list though. I took Nurgle, I lost pretty heavily in the end, but it did make me realise something important. (3/6)
The reason I hate shooting so much isn’t just because my armies can’t do it. It’s because of my default play style. I’m naturally a defensive player that likes to control/debuff. I like my opponent to have to come me then I can react to their game plan and decisions. (4/6)
When your opponent can sit outside debuffs and shoot you without risk you can’t play reactive/defensive.

So I went super aggro and took the game to him. Now it failed because it’s not a skill set I currently have. But I caused problems and could have won with some luck. (5/6)
Which finally brings me to the point of this soapbox: I don’t need a new army, I need to adapt my play style.

I resolve to stop moaning about shooting, adjust my mind set and just get better at writing and playing more aggressive lists.

Well done to anyone that read that (6/6)
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