I'll tell you where I lost any kind of respect for English journalism. It was three years ago when I did their job better than they did.
Three years ago I saw that no one was getting any valid information out of anyone about anything.
So I thought to myself: How hard can journalism really be?
The question no one was asking was: What is the government's intention?

Nobody was asking. No one in the whole of English media seemed to even recognise that that was an important question.
So I asked myself: What is the government's intention? What does its behaviour add up to?

And it was obvious. The Tories were trying to misuse Article 50 to scam a new treaty
And if the media has interrogated that three years ago we wouldn't be where we are now, because it was obvious - again, to me - that such a crass and stupid misuse of an international treaty was going to fail.

Which it has.
But English newsmen never figured any of this out. To them it was all real. All the boasting,. belching and posturing of one prime minister after another, the English media believed whatever crap they were given.
What really happened is this.

Cameron wanted to rewrite the treaties. Yes, the vanity of English public schoolboys.
But he didn't get it, obviously because it was stupid.
Then Theresa May came along. And what were her intentions.
She thought she would actually give Article 50 notice, and somehow that would magically produce a new treaty.

I mean, what a fucking country
Again, the English media never worked any of this out. Never interrogated what May's intentions were in giving Article 50 notice.
Because they're fucking useless.
So, did May get a new treaty? No, of course she didn't. She's a witless moron.
She didn't get a new treaty, and having set off the process she's heading towards a brick wall, and she has to take whatever she can
You're seeing a pattern emerge now. English prime ministers putting the country at ever greater risk to ask the same bastard question to which the answer will always be no.
May did not get a new treaty. Having fucked it all up, she accepted single market and customs to hold the country together.
And because that wasn't Brexit, the Tories voted it down.
And then Johnson came along. Cameron asked for a new treaty, Europe said no.
may actually gave Article 50 notice, and asked for a new treaty. Europe said no.
Then Johnson swaggers up, all belly and boast, demanding a new treaty. And Europe said no.
Does the English fucking media understand any of this even now?

Three English prime ministers have demanded a new treaty, and three fucking times the answer is no.
And this is why English media is so fucking useless.
Three prime ministers with ever more ridiculous boasting, trying to rewrite the laws of the European Union. And failing one after the other.
Cameron - " Want new treaty" - FAIL

May - "Want new treaty" - FAIL

Johnson "Want new treaty" - FAIL
God, the English are thick. You keep asking for the same fucking thing, and the answer keeps being no.

And you don't


The European Union will not rewrite its legal code for the satisfaction of inadequate Englishmen.

Not if you threaten, not if you bellow, not if you sit on the floor smearing shit all over yourself

No. No. No.
We are not negotiating with Europe, That is NOT what's been happening for the last three years.

What has happened is three English prime ministers have dug themselves deeper and deeper into a hole they can't get out of.
And sorry, but if you had any fucking journalist worth the name in this country they would have been able to work that out by now.
I did. I worked it out years ago. Why can't they?
I'll tell you what's going to happen now.
Either Johnson agrees to Europe's terms, and his party will split and he will resign.
Or he won't agree to Europe's terms, and he'll resign anyway
Three prime ministers, asking for the same thing

Cameron - FAIL - resign

May - FAIL - resign

Johnson - FAIL . . . .

So, going by previous record, what happens next?
Johnson is not going to get a new treaty, and if he agrees to Europe's terms his party is going split.

Just like it did with Cameron and May

Total Brexit failure. AGAIN
Boris Johnson is going to resign
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