A Vietnamese teenager buttons up her Mothers blouse after she was sexually assaulted by American GI's. They were gunned down moments after this photo was taken.

My Lai Massacre, Vietnam.
16 March 1968.

My Lai Massacre

On March 16, 1968, 504 unarmed civilians (mostly women, children and elderly men) were killed by American soldiers in Son My, a collection of hamlets between the central Vietnamese coast and a ridge of misty mountains
One elderly man was bayoneted to death; another man was thrown alive into a well and killed with a hand grenade.

Women and children were herded into a drainage ditch and slaughtered. Women and girls were gang-raped.
The commander and the soldiers who carried out the order later clarified this "incident" as a "mistake".
This was all done in the name of Democracy and Freedom.
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