. @MichelBarnier is giving an update on last round of talks: says he is disappointed, preoccupied and worried about [lack of] progress. Says UK negotiators are not showing any flexibility on some issues of "EU concern"
No cherry-picking: Barnier adds that there is no access to the EU market "a la carte". Says he understands the concerns around cabotage but this was always going to be a csq of UK leaving the single market. "Should not come as a surprise".
Level-playing field: [Barnier switches to English]. Insists respect for a LPF is a precondition for UK access to the EU's 450-million consumer market. Says EU is asking for nothing more that what is outlined in political declaration - which was negotiated with @BorisJohnson
Other areas that still require progress: fisheries; governance, especially dispute-settlement; justice cooperation; social mobility & social security coordination. *But* there has been progress on technical issues (energy, participation in EU programmes, anti-money laundering).
This week, "it felt like we were going more backwards, than forwards".
UK legal text: suggestion that UK negotiators have shared a draft legal text - but Barnier adds that a final text will need to be negotiated together (i.e. final FTA cannot simply be a copy-paste of bits of UK & EU negotiating texts - though doubt either side thinks it will be).
EU process (🤗):
1. Need agreement by end of October;
2. Need time for legal scrubbing by EU lawyers + translation in EU languages
3. Time for debate (EU Parliament; member states; maybe even national parliaments)
4. Ratification (vote in EU Parliament & Council).
. @nick_gutteridge asks excellent question about negotiation tactics along the lines of "sure, the UK holding progress back on areas of EU concern, but isn't the EU doing the same?" (for example, financial services, mutual recognition of professional qualifications, etc).
[Not sure Nick received the answer he was hoping for].
Et voila: @DanielFerrie concludes the press conference.
As expected:
1. Some movement, but nowhere near enough;
2. Some areas stuck, really stuck;
3. But clear that both sides committed to reaching a deal. Real question is: do they have time?
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