I’m waiting in the car park of the vets whilst my cat is being examined as he’s very poorly. 🐈 🏥 ☹️

I’m trying to take my mind off things by scanning through @CharityJob to see how many charities advertise jobs without revealing the salary.

Will start a thread below ⬇️
@CombatStress I am interested to see that you’re advertising for a CEO position and say that the salary is “competitive” with no numerical information about what this could mean.

Don’t you think that could be stressful for potential candidates?

@ReliefIntl - I’m interested to see you’re advertising a job with a “competitive” salary but haven’t shared what that means in numbers.

Did you know this lack of transparency helps the gender pay gap to grow?

Perhaps you could reconsider this choice?


Your job ad on @CharityJob seems to have missed off the salary. I’m sure this is an oversight. Please could you amend?

Thanks in advance.

You can follow @MsMandyJ.
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