You despicable slime ball. What gives you the right to make baseless accusations given all the false and malicious lies you not only have told to the media, but the vicious ways you attack good people who expose your lies, while you a snivelling coward blocking all debate.
Come on asshole, answer for you public lies, why did you lie about Magnitsky, why did you let him rot in prison, why are you such a Russophobia bigot, after the you became rich on their misery, and why if your basedless allegations are true, you are still alive.
Why did you lie about Magnitsky’s so-called posthumous conviction, you are so arrogant that you can tell news agencies what to write, but you forgot to tell them Google creates automatic subtitles from the speech in the video.
Talk about impunity, who exactly gave you the right, to lie with impunity, corrupting the very systems we have in the West that you claim make us better than the “bad” countries, how many politicians have you corrupted, by simply telling th what the want to hear?
The politicians might fear you, God knows why, but the public can see the evidence that you yourself provide, are you so sure you masters are going to defend you when you provide a transcript in advance to the media, go into Congress, and repeat what you already know is a lie?
Vone one fo you want to justify this premeditated attempt to mislead the Australian Parliament, @kevinandrewsmp, @kimbakit @SenPaterson may not care that you lie, but I assure you the Australian people do.
Come on, which these statements on the Parliamentary Hansard is not a premeditated lie?
You continue to lie about the death of Sergei Magnitsky to the media and parliaments.

@KenDilanianNBC had a medical examiner check Magnitsky's autopsy report and found no evidence he was murdered, let alone beaten with batons for 90 minutes:
When @derspiegel and @BenjaminBidder looked into your fraudulent story, they found the same lies as @MSNBC, Browder complained to the German Press Council, and his claim was dismissed.
After award winning New York journalist @LucyKomisar was so concerned Browder would lie to the Australian Inquiry, her submission was withheld for weeks, and when released, her links were redacted.
Then this arrogant asshole, resorted to his only weapon, when he knows his lies are exposed, slander, smears and censorship. He has links, laundering his lies through corrupt NGO's and neocon politicians, and uses gangster Khodorkovsky to setup innocent people like Veselnitskaya
This is the type of vitriol this psychopathic warmonger dishes out when an MEP from France, Nicolas Bay, dared to ask if Browder would have a debate with filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov @antiputinismus whose twitter handle suggests he might not an FSB "stooge".
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