42 Rare Pictures Have Captured Overwhelming Moments Which History
1. Dorothy Counts, the first black girl to attend an all-white school being teased and taunted by her white male peers at Charlotte’s Harry Harding High School, 1957
2. Nikola Tesla in his laboratory with his ‘Magnifying Transmitter’
3. Austrian boy at receiving shoes during WWII
4. Race organizers trying to stop the first woman to finish a marathon, Katherine Switzer from participating in the Boston Marathon, 1967
5. Jewish prisoners after being liberated from a death train, 1945
6. A lone man not hailing Hitler, 1936
7. Sweden shifts from left to right for driving for the first time (morning), 1967
8. Job hunting in 1930s
9. German soldiers reacting to footage of concentration camps, 1945
10. Parents from West Berlin showing children to their grandparents who reside on the eastern side, 1961
11. Mafia boss, Joe Masseria lying dead on a Brooklyn restaurant floor with an Ace of Spades in his hand, 1931
12. A lesbian couple in Paris, 1932
13. The Statue Of Liberty under construction in Paris, 1884
14. The Most Beautiful Suicide – Evelyn McHale jumped to her death from the Empire State Building, 1947
15. The remains of astronaut Vladimir Komarov, the man who fell from Space, 1967
16. A mother shows a returning prisoner of war, the picture of her son, 1947
17. Hats in New York, 1930
18. Frida Kahlo dressed as a boy, 1924
19. A wounded combat dog in Orote peninsula, 1944
20. A Scottish bagpiper in a kilt in the middle of a battlefield in WWI
21. Mona Lisa back at Louvre after WWII
22. Titanic survivors boarding the Carpathia, 1912
23. A rare shot of a young Winston Churchill, 1895
24. Eiffel Tower during Nazi occupation of Paris, 1940
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