The idea of black lives matter, as the name may imply is definitely valid and noble and has its place in US and our larger world today #BLM
(Long thread)
The reality of the people behind the movement, is anything but noble.

Some influential ideologues have had controversial history eg. Pushing regressive policy in orgs and running into trouble(I wish I remembered the specifics😖)
They really are extreme left wing ideologues that seek to destroy the society, values and systems they have found (because of its nuanced & multiplex shortcomings and ignoring its successes) hoping to replace it with a more delusional one than what hasnt worked historically.
(everywhere marxism has attempted to be put in place has been followed with massive destruction and has subsequently shown itself to be unfeasible)
US society hasnt worked as well for many African american ppl. But they wont HONESTLY ask why (and this is quite the pandoras box)
Theres two I can quickly think of discussing.
1. The backdrop to why police brutality happens (And more broadly, economic disparities).
2. The BLM organization itself
For no. 1:
To which I blame massive cultural issues not entirely but, as of today, mostly attributable to black folk (Another long topic).
eg. I have deliberately spent a little time on African American gang culture esp through music and it is UUUUGLY
However, BLM are premised on absoving black folk of responsibility and portraying as helpless victims- exactly the opposite of what the most successful (by AVERAGE and frequency of outliers) community - Jews- have done culturally and historically
For reason 2
Lets seperately take some appeal of marxism
-All uneveness outcome is oppression, and its continuous battle that must be fought to get rid of it
-community precedes individual and thus;
-failings are to blame on extreneous factors absolve the individual
- etc etc. Which all are appealing but very distorting.
They hate outcome disparities but support diversity (contradiction)
The reality is that any uphill task will create a differences in outcome,but some people hate this and the idea of tearing structures becomes appealing
Also other ideas like, breaking down the family and replacing with millions-of-people community, i.e state, (really a whole list of fanciful ideas thatd work terribly)
Herein (and other causes) emerges BLM. If BLM was about peace and harmony for all, thats what we would be seeing. Instead they are looting BLACK owned businesses! This is not about prosperity. These are not well wishers because their motivations are darker.
Ive spent over 3x more time editing to fit on twitter than it took typing this up 😣

( @DanielN61841575 - iv taggd u coz i sth about trump that partly predicated on this and u got annoyed😜)
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