Simplistic, I must say.

First, these are not side issues; gender identity nonsense has reached a level of fanaticism in Biden’s party that is simply staggering, as the centerpiece of their new civic religion; BLM became “Black TRANS Lives Matter” overnight, as does every cause.
This is still a recent transformation in the American Left, but it came in so strong during Obama’s second term (the infamous unsolicited Dear Colleague letter from his admin that embedded gender ID in the school system) that it’s now damningly inseparable grom his public legacy.
Kamala represents the tip of the incoming sword with her record of unwavering use of state power to enforce ideological uniformity; this is not the “pro-choice” politics we know from prior decades, but someone who has used every resource to target critics of Planned Parenthood.
Those who watch the new civic religion enforced in universities—where clones of Kamala run unchecked—know that the pressure mounting behind the dam from these forces now holding every institution outside the presidency waits to surge into complete transformation of public life.
By her record in California & the momentum of her party, you can be certain that religious schools would be given impossible mandates they can’t accept, and homeschooling would scarcely escape new regulations aimed unambiguously at its gradual elimination.
There can be no Benedict sphere left for retreat, because it is that totalizing of a new civic religion. And there no possibility of Christian alliance even with the ostensibly good bits of their platform when their every word cannibalizes & poisons a formerly Christian ethic;
It’s impossible, eg. even to say with them “Black Lives Matter” when that phrase is so overloaded—not only with the silent “trans” that is inserted in rally chants, the rainbow flag appended to its every mural, the alliance with “Christianity is White colonialism”, and so on.
Even their potentially noble words are formerly good food that is now given in offering to idols we can’t possibly support, and every well-meaning Christian who mimes their slogans becomes a useful dupe, only aiding their project of cannibalizing our faith’s language from within.
Trump is crass and has allies like Falwell who also make a mockery of the faith. But even his obvious vulgarity is preferable to the sanitized vulgarity of the party that openly believes “sex work” and pornography are goods only needing technocratic safeguards & diverse producers
The grandfatherly, confused smile of Biden—used knowingly by his handlers as a ruse to grab some of the voters they actively despise—makes of him an even more pitiable shell of a man than Trump, who is quite pitiable indeed. There is no simple moral choice here; absolute nonsense
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