✨random gif thread of kurt hummel being Judgemental that no one asked for✨
sue sylvester can fuck off
she doesn't tolerate hags, sorry
xe caught you slipping in your fashion choices
s1!kurt did not fuckin hesitate
he's had enough of your gbf bullshit🙄
who's doing it like them
the snapback and the dog tags eye-
not a song about a fuckin red solo cup...
ok rachel🙄
don't remember the context but kurt>>>
"since when have you cared about me and blaine?"
ok but marry the night was THE serve
one more of these bc kurt in the spotlight diner fit is god tier
(bonus blaine!)
again, idr the context, but HIS EXPRESSIONS PLSSSAFGBNJM
he's done w santana's posturing 🙄
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