❗ The eviction ban and ban on face-to-face bailiff collection are both set to end this weekend

Yet, our new research reveals 6 million people in the UK have fallen behind on a household bill due to #Coronavirus

From Monday, many will be at risk of harsh enforcement action ⤵️
6 million people translates to 1 in 9 adults in the UK being behind on their bills — but the impacts haven’t been felt equally

➡️ Carers, people who were shielding and key workers are at least twice as likely to be behind on their bills
2.5 years — how long it’ll take, on average, for those who’ve sought help with debt since March to pay back their current priority debts

After being off work due to #Coronavirus, Laura’s been working 50 hour weeks to try to escape a cycle of debt ⤵️
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