We shouldn’t tolerate the new delay to Crossrail. Let’s sort it instead. London needs line open, so here’s how it can happen....
1. Joint government-TfL board overseeing it has became an excuse for buck passing. It’s good at asking for more money, not in cracking on with opening the line or solving the things making it late. The Mayor’s lack of interest hasn’t helped either.
2. So there needs to be a single chain of command to the guy who’s actually going to run the line, TfL’s new boss Andy Byford. That’s coming but it is way too slow. Need it today.
2. He needs to set December 2021 as the date for opening the line. No ifs or wobbles. Maybe Bond Street won’t be open by then but all the other stations can be. It’s 16 months and the line is already built and being tested - mad to say this date can’t be met
3. But how does he get it open? Surely the experts have just said it can’t happen? Actually they think there is a 20% chance of hitting next year but are protecting their backs.
4. With things like building automatic risk into all their predictions (these become self-fulfilling if you say something will be late it will be). Plus pessimistic view of cooperating with safety regulator (just copying out the rule book to say stuff is slow/impossible)
5. And also not being smart & flexible on things like getting Network Rail to change timetable as soon as Crossrail ready to open (easy to do).
6. By not setting a date to open since the first delay was announced In 2018 Crossrail thought it was being smart (don’t promise what you might not do). But result has been lack of urgency. Now we need a date - Dec 2021 or better - and leadership from Byford to do what it takes
Finally sorry for my useless numbering on this thread...
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