THREAD: Many are horrifed by new @netflix production, #Cuties, which sexualises 11yr old girls as grinding, ‘twerking' stripper-style stars, presumably for the enjoyment of the growing ‘Minor Attracted Person’ ( #map) trend, which is seeking to take its place in the #LGBT rainbow.
In keeping with this #MAP/paedophile movement, #Cuties presents very young children in hyper-sexualised ways. This is portrayed as liberating and progressive, casting off ‘family traditions’. 'Conservative' families are a barrier to the tiny star’s ‘femininity’ so says the blurb.
The trailer for #Cuties is strikingly brazen in how it portrays young children as sexual beings. Still, while jaws have dropped, ‘paedo liberation' was at one point mainstream in sexual liberation and radical left circles in the 70s and 80s. Nothing new under the sun.
Major #EU #Green figure & ‘68er’ #DanielCohnBendit boasted of paedophilic encounters with children at ‘radical’ kindergartens. “It happened several times, that a few children would open the fly of my pants and begin to stroke me” he wrote in 1975 book, The Great Bazaar.
Another activist with links to the #GreenParty is Peter Tatchell, lauded for years by the liberal-left establishment as some sort of ‘human rights’ superstar. But in 1997 Tatchell penned a notorious letter to The Guardian selling the benefits of adult-child sex.
It was not a new direction for Tatchell. In the 1980s he contributed to an obscure book on paedo-liberation called Betrayal of Youth. When exposed, he claimed he had been ‘tricked’, believing it to be about 'child welfare’. Pete seems to get duped a lot…
In ’98, Tatchell wrote an obituary for 'campaigner', Ian Campbell Dunn, founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), originally set up under the Scottish Minorities Group in ’74. Although Dunn's PIE role was well-known by then, no mention by Pete.
Dunn, like many other 70s paedos, sought to work within a legitimate gay movement. We see a similar approach today with ‘ #MAPs’ presenting themselves as another ‘persecuted sexual minority’, often leveraging the current debates surrounding trans rights. Nothing new under the sun.
The grotesque invention of ‘trans children’, often spurred by a Munchausens Syndrome by Proxy by parents, ties in with the re-emergence of the pro-paedo/ #MAP movement Netflix's #Cuties represents. Paedophiles seek pre-pubescent children, ‘trans’ activists demand puberty blockers.
Another component of the 'drip drip’ approach to normalising the sexualisation of small children typified by #Cuties can be seen in the trend towards treating paedophiles who consume even the worst categories of child abuse images much more leniently…
For instance, ex- @UKLabour MP @ericjoyce escaped jail despite consuming video of baby rape. Child porn consumers are paedophiles and without them there would be no demand & networks of child abusers would collapse. @ericjoyce’s perversion is the fuel. Perhaps he'll enjoy #Cuties.
We must be alive to the fact that paedo-lib never went away. In the same way ‘trans kids’ ‘burst out of nowhere’ with well-funded networks of astroturf fronts, the same could happen with #MAP. #Cuties demonstrates how far this trend has already made inroads into pop culture. /END
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